Thursday, December 22, 2005

Some useful exam tips

  1. Make sure you attend all the tutorials. Have a record whenever you are absent. You can only skip three tutorials, skip another one and you will be barred from exam.
  2. If you have been present from week 1 to week 10, you can skip all the remaining tutorials as the attendance will be calculated up to week 10 only.
  3. By hook or by crook you must attend week 13(revision class) lectures.
  4. Lecturers will say " to be fair to everyone, I'll not give any extra tips", however you must consult them during study leave (if possible), they will give you some additional tips "accidentally".
  5. Never ever argue with your lecturers/tutors over your coursework marks, you will worse off!
  6. Assignments are important but not that important, do well in your final exam and you would definitely score!
  7. Keep in touch with your friends during study leave, there will be SMS's about tips flying all over around.
  8. Do all past year questions and get the solutions from lecturers.
  9. Make sure you go through all tutorial questions.
  10. Never study the textbook during study leave, you do not have enough time for it.
  11. Mark all the important parts in your notes based on the tips, read it over and over!
  12. Sleep early the day before exam, whatever you study during last minute will not come out(my own experience!)
  13. Even you finish your paper half an hour earlier, do not leave the exam hall. Check your paper thorughly, there will definitely be some mistakes or you might want to write down additional points.(not applicable to LAN subjects)
  14. If you have done your best during exam, rest assured and leave the remaining to god.

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