Thursday, July 05, 2007

The most important tlephone conversation in my life!

Just ended my phone call with Dr. Mirela Predescu. It wasn't too bad but neither was it good. I'm satisfied with the way the interview went. It only lasted about 15 minutes(half the approximate time!)

To look at the sad side, I only use less than 10% of the materials that i prepared. To look at a brighter side, I managed to answer all her questions, without any long pause though i did make her repeat on some occasions(she too make me repeat). In short, we just couldn't get use to each accent!

She started asking me about why I'm interested in finance. I am prepared for this question, however i didn't managed to finish my "script" before she cut me off.

Then the second part comes the technical questions. She asked about when and what model did i use in to value company. My reply was due-diligent audit when a merger or acquisition take place. I also mentioned black-scholes model and that leads to further questions about the model. During the discussion, I gave a reply that a higher volatility stock will lead to lower value of the option. She asked me further(which make me feel that my reply was wrong, however i persisted) She also asks things about my last degree - whether i use any programming software or so. My reply was "unfortunately.........."

And lastly, she asked whether i have any questions about the MFE course(thanks to Jon San, he reminded me to prepare some questions for the interviewer!) I asked about the job placement for the MFE last year and what pool of candidate that Oxford SBS wants to attract for this MFE course.

She ended the call by asking me to get in touch with Lorraine for further information.

I really have no idea of the chances of me getting into MFE. Right now, there's not much that i could do but to celebrate! After all, today is my birthday, yay!
