Friday, June 15, 2007

Oxford MFE programme - invite to interview

I just got a mail from Oxford University. i couldn't stop asking myself, "Am I dreaming?" I am shortlisted for interview by Oxford University! I am now very delighted and flattered to get this invitation. I clearly did not expect this. I still have no idea what are my chances of getting into this course but one thing for sure, i will try my best. Maybe I could get some advice from Tony Pua(an oxford alumnus). Will send him a mail soon, or meet him in person if possible. The mail read like this.

Dear Zhemin
I am delighted to inform you that the Admissions Committee has reviewed your application and would like to arrange an interview. If you would like to meet a member of faculty and have your interview in-person, we would be pleased to welcome you at the following event:
Oxford Open Day 22 June 2007
New York Information Event 29 June 2007
New York – interviews only 30 June 2007
If you are unable to attend either of these events then we would be happy to arrange a telephone interview for you. Please confirm on the attached form the dates and times that you will be available for interview. In order to try and secure a place on one of your chosen dates I would be grateful if you could provide as many options as possible. Once I have this information I will make the necessary arrangements and will confirm them with you by email, but please allow a little time to organise these interviews especially if you request a telephone interview.
Alternative interview dates - please see attached sheet
In the event that interviews are conducted on the same day as an open event, members of faculty will also give presentations and host information sessions. If you would like to attend you should register via the School's website You do not have to register if you will only be attending your interview.
Please note that interviews are arranged strictly on the availability of faculty and appointments outside the published dates are unavailable. However, please do not make your travel arrangements or book flights until we confirm your interview date and time.
I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions please let me know.
Best wishes

Lorraine C Smith
MFE Admissions
Said Business School
Park End Street
Oxford OX1 1HP

tel: +44(0) 1865 288871
fax: +44(0) 1865 288831
